

STEP 1: DOWNLOAD the eoy checklist & watch the training

End of Year On-Demand Replay:

Note: On some devices the files will automatically download to your default downloads folder. Please check that folder to access the resource.


There is a Haus Level for every level of the Move to Millions Continuum:

This is the ground floor of getting into the Haus of Millions and to access the frameworks, strategies, templates, and mindset shifts you need to get to the next level on the Move to Millions Continuum. You get to pick your room between Business Growth, Leverage & Scale, Speak & Move Millions, or Millions Dollar Events. Access these world-class courses AND get group and community support from our monthly Ask Me Anything Q&A calls, Mindset Makeover sessions, Implementation Parties, and private Facebook group. If you’re at or near six-figures and have your sights set on seven, this is the perfect way to get in the Haus.


Pay in Full: One-time payment of $5,000

Payment plans available upon request

During the ASCEND Mentorship you’ll close the most prominent mindset gaps keeping you stagnant at the six-figure mark, and turn them into gateways to get you in the proximity of millions. Most entrepreneurs think they need more strategy, when in truth the only thing preventing you from millions is yourself. The focus of this program is SIGNIFICANCE first and STRATEGY second. You’ll focus on the growth of your business through the ascension of yourself. Darnyelle will leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping you cultivate the mindset of a Million Dollar CEO.


Pay in Full: one time payment of $18,000

Payment plans available upon request

The Move to Millions PROXIMITY Mastermind is for the advanced business owner who already has a solid multi-six figure business and is ready for up-leveled conversation and strategy to make the move to the 7-figure mark in 12-36 months. Leverage your team, systems, time, business model, marketing, sales, and lifestyle. In this program, you’ll experience powerful masterminding, laser-focused customized strategy, world class coaching, business growth training to quantum leap your business, spiritual guidance, productivity, & life coaching… all backed by accountability.


Pay in Full: one time payment of $36,000 

Payment plans available upon request

over the $1,000,000 mark in your company?


"Growing my business 30-50% year after year!"

"The community supported me to multiple 6 figures!"

"Darnyelle is unlike any other 'Business Coach'"



Monthly Community Wide Implementation Party
Monthly Hearing the Voice of God Call
Make Millions Move Masterclass Bundle
Book Recommendations
Haute Haus Hangouts (Pop Up Mixers)
MTM Book Private Podcast
Cash Injection Strategies
Quarterly Immersion Training with Darnyelle
Haus Member Pricing for Live Events and Workshop Intensives
Onboarding Call (Group or Private Depending on Haus Level)

"I’m building my team, stepping fully into being the CEO and we just had our first million dollar year! In fact, we celebrated our best quarter ever and hit this milestone while I was away from the business and my team didn’t miss a beat!"

Althea Hearst

Real Estate Agent

"When I met Darnyelle, I was already a very success marketing coach, but I knew I should be doing millions. With Darnyelle’s help we put the right business model, systems, and team in place, and now we've done $2M in sales and the year isn't over yet!"


brand strategist

"Guess who closed the week with a $42K deal? This girl! Glory to God and thank you Darnyelle Jervey Harmon and team for the coaching, tools, and support! That makes $97,500 since enrolling in Incredible Factor University last month!"

tish times

networking & sales trainer

"There are business coaches and then there is Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. I literally made my investment back with ONE of the module homework assignments. And went on to have my best month EVER in my business."

tenita chantilly johnson


"Prior to starting my program with Darnyelle and team, I used the cash injection strategies we get upon enrollment and I generated $17,000 in 30 days!"

Felicia Streeter

Government Contracting Strategist

"I just had another effortless $25K close on the program Darnyelle helped me price BEFORE the program even started! That makes $75k just from this offer; $125k in total in less than 30 days!"

TerDawn DeBoe

brand strategist

"Within 90 days of becoming a client, my sales increased $74K (191%) over the prior year same period. I had struggled with getting my ideal clients at higher rates on my own. In less than 75 days of joining IFU, I closed my first 7-figure client!"

Dr. Cozette M. White

Accounting & Tax Strategist

"Six Figure months are my new normal! Strategy–tight. Sales–tight. Systems–tight. Support team–tight. Darnyelle is the GOAT, and I’m telling you: your life will NEVER be the same if you get into her space!"



"It's been less than a month and I made a return on my program investment in ONE DAY. I implemented Darnyelle's feedback into my presentation and made $39.5k in sales in one day, not including the $4.5k I made from my virtual event."

Jasmine Womack

The E.M.P.A.C.T. Group

"In the 30 days following the retreat, my sales were $37K and my revenue $14K! It was life changing – now I’m charging my worth, turning down items outside of my offers, and don’t feel anxiety about it!"

Myown Holmes

Socially Polished

"Darnyelle is the GOAT – In less than 90 days, I’ve closed more than $100,000 in new business. When it comes to business knowledge and aligning faith with your ability to generate consistent revenue in your business, no one does it better."

Donald Morton

Remanned Project

"BEFORE my program even started, I received my investment back through the pre-work. Since the retreat, I have watched my monthly revenue increase from $5,500 to $15,000 and that is within 30 days!"

Latrice Goodwine

Financial Coach & Author

"I joined the program because I needed to get to where I needed to be faster. Well, Darnyelle did just that. The gifts that God has given her has helped me to secure my first 6-figure client at $178,000!"

Asha Wilson

The Wilson Marketing Firm

"Darnyelle is the real deal! Within 30 days I closed a paid in full $12K client using the insights and strategies from her program. I love having access to Darnyelle and the team; it’s growing me in every way."

Christina Joy Whittaker

Business & Leadership Coach

There is no playing small; because you cannot live the abundant life God promised you when you're barely over the six figure mark.

As a member of this powerful community, you can expect to grow your business by 50-600% in the next 12 months. You should know right now that typically our clients are enrolled for an average of three (3) years in this powerful program but many stay longer and exceed their growth goals year over year. You’ll get consistent access to IFU coaching team, insightful strategy, implementation support, masterful masterminding with your peers and spiritual guidance and support that's all back by our award winning leverage + scale business growth curriculum.

This growth is compounded by introducing your business to the Model of Financial and Spiritual Abundance™. With the introduction of spiritual alignment, coaching, guidance and support, this program brings your NEXT LEVEL EVERYTHING™ into view. There is no program like this in the marketplace. Every part of who you are will be fueled as you experience extreme support and empowerment to move your life and business forward. You’ll finally stop talking about millions and ACTUALLY earn them in a way that serves and supports all that God created you to be.

let's face it; you can get to 6 figures by accident.

A low 6 figure business, although you thought it would be the end all be all, is not nearly enough.  That is why I consider it small business poverty. And the truth is that the life you've been praying for based on the vision God gave you isn't based on low 6 figures a year. Now that you’re solidly over the 6-figure mark, has it set in that getting to the million dollar mark is as much about increasing your income as it is about making sure that the work you do produces wealth and legacy for your family?

I know how you feel, I made the same realization when I crossed the 6-figure mark.   I realized quickly that 6 figures couldn’t be my end game.  I knew that it was just a milestone, an illustration that I do add value, I do change lives and I am the best whoever did it.

Once I stood boldly in this confidence, I set my eyes and focus on expanding my reach without minimizing my mission so that I could make the MOVE to Millions™ – generating millions in my business while also impacting millions of lives.  Now I’m committed to helping others do the same – in less time than it took me.  You see, I realized that the key to millions was focusing on four powerful things  and today, through my Mastery Mastermind, I walk my clients step by step through the MOVE to Millions™ Framework that changed my life forever.

Imagine what it will be like...

...when you go from six figure years to six figure quarters and ultimately to six figure months AND you do it without sacrificing quality time with loved ones, your sleep, self-care or sanity
...when your business is highly leveraged, your revenue is scaled and your team can expand the brand while you take your children on an extended vacation (or go on a second honeymoon with your boo)
...when you’re watching your Director of Operations lead your weekly team meetings and you are able to sit back confidently knowing that your vision is being translated to your powerful team
...when, if it’s your desire, you’re able to retire your spouse so that they can do what they dream and journal about
...when you start funding your retirement fund without having to decide what you can enjoy now
...when you’ve expanded your reach and are serving hundreds of clients and your systems aren’t breaking down and you’re not over worked or the bottleneck
...when you get invited to share your story and signature system on larger stages
when you have time to start that passion project or nonprofit with a full team to support your vision
when you Make the MOVE to Millions™ AND have all the time in the world to enjoy the impact it will create

Leverage + Scale Weekend Curriculum

Phase One: Prepare

Leverage + Scale Pre-Work

Your experience starts from the moment you invest in yourself and your next level.  My team will host you for an on-boarding experience that is destined to shift the trajectory of your life and business. You’ll get impact-shifting pre-work so that you are in a mind space that supports your up-leveling. In preparation for your weekend, you get access to five (5) powerful modules (the pre-work is designed to take up to 30 days to complete, giving you space to prepare FULLY for your weekend experience.  And the cool thing is that all pre-work is reviewed and critiqued by our team! During the pre-work phase, you'll also get weekly calls to support you as you prepare for your implementation weekend. These modules and the pre-weekend coaching and critique are honestly worth the cost of admission by themselves:

Clarity for Your Business: You’ll get crystal clear about the next level of your business, including the right business model for your next level goals and create your Six Figure Months Business Blueprint.
Start with Why:  We take you all the way back to why you started your business in order to help you shift the way you think about your messaging and marketing.  This is such a powerful way to change the way you scale your business. 
Up-level Your Ideal Client:  As you develop your Leverage + Scale business collateral, it  is not likely that you’ll be focused on the same clients you use to attract.  In an effort to help you begin the up-leveling process, we will take you all the way back to getting clear about your ideal client (which we call your Audience of One™).
Up-Level Your Signature Business Move (aka Signature System). The key to leverage + scale is your core process and framework that makes success predictable for your clients. You’ll tighten and tweak your signature system or create it from scratch as a part of your pre-work then submit it to our team for a review of it BEFORE your weekend starts. 
MORE: The Money Mindset Masterclass: Until you know that you deserve to earn more, you won’t be able to earn more so we are going to deal with your money consciousness and begin the process of radically dismantling your limiting money beliefs (includes completing your money map).

Phase Two: Plan (Day 1)

Create & Price Your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite

Your offer is the key to Leverage + Scale. These offers will be priced for you to hit your money milestone QUICKLY. You'll walk away with your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite which includes a maximum of three (3) offers - a Superb Offer, a Signature offer and a Select Offer, which will have you earning between $10,000 - $100,000 PER new client. Remember, it takes the same energy to sell higher end programs as it does to sell low. With your NEW Leverage + Scale Offer Suite, you can expect your offer to do each of the following for your business:

1.) Illustrates why you're the OBVIOUS choice in the market.

2.) Generates more revenue for you from each new sale.

3.) Brings more of the right clients to your programs.

4.) Increases your perceived value based on the expertise and transferrable results you offer.

5.) Allows you to be more selective with who you enroll so you can get rid of desperate sales energy (you’ll even learn my secret for converting prospects to paying client without have to spend all your time in “sales mode”.)

PHASE two: PLAN (DAY 2)  

Craft Your Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite

Second ONLY to what you offer is your messaging.  And if you don’t get known, you won’t get found... which means you can forget about getting paid. We take all of the guesswork out of creating your key messages and benefit statements for each offer, along with your powerful sales copy for your first or next ad and nurture sequence with our highly-converting Plug and Play templates.

We start with your key messages and then shift into your benefit statements for your offer suite before ending with your coveted nurture and follow up sequences. Then, we will teach you how to leverage your story to position and convert! You’ll leave with a tight message that will make you millions.

PHASE two: PLAN (DAY 3) 

Create Your Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula

We'll help you create a sales funnel so that you are CLEAR about every step in your business model to achieve your goals quickly. We will go from ideal client to income and EVERYTHING you need for business success in between. And more than that, you'll KNOW EXACTLY which strategy you're leveraging in your business over the next year to hit your next money milestone. The clarity that comes with this process is not only profit producing, but it stops the need to hustle and grind in your business. You'll actually have time to enjoy all of the ADDITIONAL money you're earning in your business and you'll be able to build a team so that you get to do only the parts you love.

And you'll do all of this based on our Leverage + Scale Incredible One Framework. With extreme FOCUS, you'll make the move to millions sooner than you ever could on your own.

In just three days, you’ll lay the foundation to quantum leap your business toward the seven-figure mark with your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite™,  your Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite™  and your Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula™.  

PHASE three: Profit

Implementation and Support

After your weekend is over, you’ll move immediately into the Leverage + Scale Momentum program where you'll have 8 powerful weeks with the IFU coaching team to dial in all we created so that you watch your bank account balance grow, your sanity return and your life transform. In the 8 weeks following your weekend as you implement your new L + S Business Success Formula, you'll join the clients who start to have $30K - $100K months!

With our help, you'll become a better leader, parent, spouse, community servant & CEO and that all starts in three short days...

This Program is By Application Only.



You know that you add value and others experience real transformation when you operate in your Incredible Factor (our way of saying your zone of genius).


You are looking for a well curated, exclusive community where you will be equipped, edified and empowered to scale your company  with like-minded CEOs just like you. 


You're a six-figure service-based business owner (coach, consultant, attorney, accountant, financial advisor, interior designer, etc) who's ready to up-level the experience you offer your clients and build a company as you earn in direct proportion to the gifts and talents you leverage to solve real problems and create real results.


Scaling your company isn't just about the money - it's about the impact you want to make at home and in your community but you know that you were born to make and move millions.

If that's you...

My team and I can't wait to see if you're a good fit for Leverage + Scale Mastery Mastermind™! Please fill out the short application form so we can share our advanced private training with you. It will share our framework, methodology, how we support our clients and extend an invitation to join us. 

You will get a confirmation email once your application is received (please take the time to read it) and we do our best to process all applications within 48 business hours. We look forward to getting your application.

Legal and Financial Disclaimer: Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are not to be perceived or relied upon in any way as business, financial or legal advice. The information provided through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice that can be provided by your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor. We are not giving financial or legal advice in any way. You are hereby advised to consult with your own accountant, lawyer or financial advisor for any and all questions and concerns you have regarding your own income and taxes pertaining to your specific financial and/or legal situation. You agree that we are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials. You are solely responsible for your results.

Earnings Disclaimer: You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results. Participant accepts and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her progress and results and that Company offers no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding Participant’s future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth, or results of any kind. The Company does not guarantee that Participant will achieve any results using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented at the Program, and nothing in the Program is a promise or guarantee to Participant of such results. Any examples of income earned by others or testimonials about this Program are not meant as a promise or guarantee of Participant’s own earnings or success. You understand that with any business endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.

Copyright © Incredible One Enterprises. All Right Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The success stated above is my personal success. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 20 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training. 

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
