
Plan for Millions® 2.0

The Bankable Blueprint to
your 7 Figure business

October 22-24, 2024

BONUS Day October 25th

1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time

3 Days of Live Training
Plan for Millions 2.0 Workbook
7 Days Access to General Replay
Everything included in the Free Registration 
60-minute VIP Only Q&A Session (Thursday, Oct. 24 at 2pm EST)
Plan for Millions Strategic Plan Template 2.0 & CEO Dashboard
Extended 30 Days Access to Replays

From the Desk Of


If I could show you how to go from "millions on your mind" to "millions in revenue" even in this market, 


One thing for sure and two things for certain, the market has changed. 

And, as a result, it's possible that you have dismissed or downplayed the desire for the million-dollar mark because your business growth has slowed and you have been questioning your relevance. 

Even though it doesn't seem possible for your business to cross the million dollar mark right now, you can't ignore the feeling that there's a million dollar business in you... EVEN THOUGH what's happened in your business this year makes it feel like your goal is a MILLION miles away. 

Trust me, the milestone isn't eluding you for lack of trying... your delay is not about your effort; it's about your self-leadership, strategy + plan. And until you lead, strategize + plan like a 7-figure CEO, the delay will remain...

Because the market has shifted, you might be starting to question if it's going to take a FRESH APPROACH to achieving the milestone that only 4.2% accomplish (even less if you are a woman, black or a black woman = 1.9%, .9% or .5% respectively.) Sources: Wells Fargo, Amex and Fundera  

The answer is YES.

After all, pouring new wine into old skins has NEVER yielded anything but a mess. 

For the record, there has never been a better time to make the Move to Millions®
In fact, more million dollar businesses are born when the economy is uncertain than any other time. 

Let's be clear: the reason you aren't already making millions isn't about your capabilities; the reason you aren't already making millions is about your CAPACITY

If you've crossed 6 figures, you're in the top 10% of small businesses in the US.  That's an accomplishment. You should be proud. 

You are a success and your success is not the question.

To turn your million-dollar goal into a plan you can leverage to and beyond the million dollar mark, it's time to ask yourself the RIGHT questions:

Questions like...

Who must you BE to hold the space and create the capacity to generate 7 figures in a year or less in your business regardless of what's happening in the economy?

What don't you know that you need to know to experience elevation in this current market WITHOUT burning down your business or abandoning your expertise to remain relevant?

How does your positioning and promotional strategy need to adjust to be known, found, and paid when others are closing their business?

How can you position your business for a diverse set of clients that fills in the gap you're experiencing in your current client base without watering down your expertise or appearing unstable?

How can you streamline your operations and maximize your profitability while offering a service that is undeniable to your most ideal clients?

To answer these questions, you need access to a PROVEN STRATEGIC PLAN that works because you work it like a 7-figure CEO, unencumbered by what is going on in the world. The right plan will give structure to the core areas of your business so that there is nothing falling through the cracks.

I will walk you step-by-step through my BANKABLE BLUEPRINT for leveraging, scaling and sustaining a million dollar business REGARDLESS of what's going on in the economy.

Since 2021, we have helped 70 six-figure entrepreneurs just like you experience their first or next 7 figure year.

Wanna know how we did it?


That's right, if you want to make millions in this market, you'll need to streamline everything:

Streamline your self-leadership.

Streamline your vision.

your strategy.

Streamline your sales infrastructure.

Streamline your systems.

Streamline your support.

Sounds simple, right?

Wrong. If it were that simple, you'd already be making millions.

That's why I want you to join me for Plan for Millions® 2.0, my popular workshop with BRAND NEW sessions so I can share what is working NOW to make millions in your business.

It took me three years to cross the million-dollar mark the first time, in a down economy, and now I am helping clients cross this milestone in 18 months or less. When you join me, I'm going to save you YEARS by helping you STREAMLINE the core areas of your company to create THE Strategic Plan that is non-negotiable on your Move to Millions®.

Because, let's face it, no matter what you've been told, you need to realize this powerful truth:

Before you can make the MOVE, you must create the PLAN.

I'm not talking about grabbing your calculator and realizing that you'll need to do $83,333.33 each month for a year to make a cool milli. Anyone can do that. YOU'VE already done that. 

It's going to take a STRATEGIC SHIFT to scale to and sustain a 7-figure business. 

This isn't about guessing, this is about breaking down the self-leadership, vision, strategy, sales, systems, and support REQUIRED to have a business that earns one million dollars OR MORE a year, AND a company that serves and supports all that you are with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.

No more guessing, no more hustling for diminishing returns.

Just a clear plan to sustainable, predictable growth.

You’ve already built a foundation,

Now it’s time to elevate and MOVE like the million-dollar CEO you’re meant to be.  

When you join me at Plan for Millions® 2.0, I’ll walk you through the bankable blueprint that takes entrepreneurs like you from six figures to seven, no matter how the market performs.

Is This You?

You are already an expert in your field, a service-based entrepreneur (coach, consultant, attorney, accountant, etc), who adds tremendous value to the lives of others through your proven process.
You are already successful, generating six figures or more a year in your business but you're working way too hard for what feels like way too little, and you know that there has to be a more aligned and strategic way to achieve your big goals.
You love the work you do but have been trying to find a way to do it with less grind and more grace.
You know that what you do changes lives, but it hasn't changed enough to change your financial status to million-dollar CEO.
You're currently the bottleneck in your business and no matter what you try, things continue to cause strain, back up and create overwhelm.
You're ready to shift from six-figure years to six-figure months. 
You "oops'd" your way to six figures and know that more strategy, systems, and support are required to hit seven in a way you can sustain.


Everything you used to do to move your business forward now requires a strategic and aligned SHIFT. It's going to take a fresh approach to be relevant in today's marketplace.


Even in this market, it's the same energy to shift from six figures a year to six figures a month!

But... you'll need a fresh aligned & strategic approach to access it, and I am ready to help you plan for millions® (even if you've been stagnant at six figures for the last 2-3 years) with brand new content during my upcoming virtual event!

Allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, MBA and I am the award-winning, incomparable CEO of the multi-million dollar company, Incredible One Enterprises and we specialize in leveraging and scaling businesses at the convergence of spiritual principles and business growth strategy. Recently awarded an honorary PhD in entrepreneurship, my team and I help our service-based entrepreneur clients make the move to million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind so that they scale a business that serves them financially AND spiritually while they unlock six and multi-six figure cash flow in their business. I'm not new to this; I am true to this and over the last 10 years my clients have generated $444M in REVENUE, and since 2021 we've helped 70 entrepreneurs just like you experience their first or next 7-figure year because of my strategic approach to business growth and company expansion!

In this three-day introduction workshop, I am going to share what it will take for you to prepare, plan, position and profit in your business on the trajectory to millions ($250K, $500K, $750K and $1M) without sacrificing your faith, family, freedom or fun, hustling or grinding or creating a job for yourself even though you call yourself the CEO!


AND, I am also excited to announce that after you secure your free or VIP Seat, you have an opportunity to apply to join me for an exclusive bonus training on Friday, October 25, 2024.

If you want to experience a fraction of my or my clients' success, you should join me for Plan for Millions® 2.0. 

"I'm growing as a CEO thanks to the Move to Millions Mastermind!"

As a result of enrolling in the Move to Millions® Mastermind the gaps in my business are closing. Before working with Darnyelle, I now realize that I was operating my business more like a freelancer than a CEO. As a result of the 1:1 support, the invaluable content and coaching, I learned how to hire for my values, build key systems and find the business model that works for me. I now take my business more seriously and I think like a CEO and that is huge for me. The six-figure quarters don’t hurt either! I love that this community allows me to grow in more ways than financially. If you’re looking for a community that see you and shows you that you matter on this journey to becoming a real CEO this community is for you!

Dr. Omolara Thomas-Uwemedimo

CEO, Melanin & Medicine

"I made the move to millions IN my 2nd year in THE MASTERMIND!"

I was proud of my business before coming to work with Darnyelle and team. Since being here, I have had so many successes! This community is everything. I am tightening my offers, messaging and sales. I just had my first ever $100,000 WEEK. Week and I doubled my business in my first year enrolled to $500K! This is only the beginning. Every call, every strategy is shifting the way I grow my company to the million dollar mark. And in my second year in the mastermind, I did it, I officially made the move to millions!

Jayden Doye

CEO, prestige accounting

Plan for Millions® 2.0 is for you if...

You're feeling stagnant in your six-figure business and know that a strategic plan could lead to a defining moment on your business growth journey
Your business is generating six figures in revenue a year.  If you are just starting or pre-revenue, this is not the workshop for you. The content will be too high level and will likely cause overwhelm and confusion.
You've been struggling to fit all of the pieces together into a business that offers amazing value to clients, feeds your spirit, and brings you a sense of freedom... all while making great money doing what you love
You're Incredible (and you know it) but somehow your bank account didn't get the memo (you know you should be making way more by now)
You feel behind the 8-ball because you've been trying to gain traction with outdated strategies
You've been building your business long enough to know who you are, who you serve, the problem you solve and the solution you offer
You're ready to build a team but you want a lean team that supports your vision for a business that serves you financially and spiritually
You're tired of playing CEO; you're ready to show up like a CEO so that strategically and sustainably leverage and scale your business
You're over praying and playing small - you're ready to see yourself the way God sees you AND your business
You're ready to test me out and verify what your friends have been telling you  that I am the GOAT (my client's words, but I approve this message).

If you've been feeling boxed in to mediocre months and you're ready to plan for millions, join me!


With the right Self-Leadership, Vision, Strategy, Sales Infrastructure, Systems, and Support, you’ll have what you need to prepare, position, PLAN, and profit Millions!

What You'll Learn at Plan for Millions® 2.0...

vision | strategy | planning 

The 5 keys to ensure you achieve your goal of  7 figures, in a streamlined, strategic way regardless of what's happening in the economy

The key differences between the entrepreneurs who are stuck at 6-figures or less and the ones who are making millions or more (knowing this will put you on the path to hitting 7-figs immediately)

The 7 phases of strategic planning for your million-dollar business and which systems are required to achieve your daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly goals
The #1 strategy to implement right now so that 2025 is your best year yet

A proven pricing & profitability formula to help you to increase profitability, serve top-tier clients and  hire a lean team that can help you achieve your million-dollar vision
The importance of client diversification and what you need to understand to serve different clients in different industries and verticals so your goal is not impacted by market constraints 
How to uncover and fix the gaps in YOUR operational infrastructure, so that you can leverage your plan to profit big next year 

It's Time to navigate the millions messy middle
with grace and ease

It's time to navigate the millions messy middle with grace and ease.

How to Think and Plan Strategically

There is a mind shift required to begin to sit in the significance of your million dollar desire BEFORE it's your reality. While many underestimate the importance of the psychology for millions, we will dive into equipping you to become millions. Once you're in position mentally, the strategy aligns easily. 

Your Business Model, Offer Suite & Pricing for Profitability. 

Because the market has changed, you will likely need to make strategic shifts in the core areas of your business. My proven formula will show you how to increase your profitability so you can earn more while serving fewer clients, and even afford to hire those team members who will free you up to do what you love.

Business Systems

Systems make your millions predictable.  Getting to six figures may not have required any but getting to seven certainly will. Determine which systems you need in your business, so that you can stop wasting valuable time starting from scratch EVERY time you do anything in an attempt to move the needle.

Your Operational Infrastructure

Learn how to expose (and fix) the holes in your operational infrastructure that threaten to keep you stuck in your business, and what to do now so that you're ready to run on full throttle.

Day one

Million Dollar Vision Point

Only 4.2% of small businesses cross 7 figures. And if you're a woman, Black, or a Black woman, those percentages are less: 1.9%, .9% and .5% respectively (source: Fundera, Wells Fargo and American Express). Understanding how to think and set your vision is a big part of actually making 7 figures. During this session you'll learn: how to operate your business from your vision point vs your vantage point, the psychology of a million dollar CEO, 5 mindsets that are messing with your millions and the #1 shift required to plan for millions.

Day Two


When we refer to strategy, know that there are 10 components of your strategy that you must evaluate, clarify, and streamline. Your strategy precedes your plan and during this session, you will learn: how to shift your business model so that your business is set to stand up against market changes, determine your offer suite and pricing, and get a firm grasp on the strategy that will move your business to millions.



Once you’ve set the vision and the strategy, you’re ready to take action through creating the plan. Your plan will determine the method, metrics, and milestones you’ll track as you move millions. Remember the strategic planning process is about streamlining and simplifying how you’ll cross the million-dollar mark. The more simple your approach, the faster you can multiply and make millions. In this session you’ll learn: the 7 phases of strategic planning to help you create your million dollar plan as well as how to uncover and fix your operational gaps so that your vision and strategy take you all the way to 7 figures and beyond.

bonus DAY by application only

apply to join me for an exclusive bonus training 

On Friday, October 25, I am hosting a private training with exclusive content and you can apply to join me after you secure your seat or once the workshop goes live on October 22.  This bonus training will share exclusive content to strategically shift your plan so that 2025 is your best year yet in business. Access to the training is by application only and it will take what I share over the 3 days to the NEXT LEVEL.

When all is said and done, you'll be clear, you'll be confident and you'll know how to create the plan for millions WITHOUT having to worry about what's going on in the economy!

The Details

October 22-24, 2024
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time

3 Days of High-Value Content


Or upgrade to VIP to join me for a VIP ONLY Q & A on October 24th, following our last session. Plus you'll receive a Plan for Millions 2.0 Workbook, our Strategic Plan Template 2.0, and extended access to the replays.

Don't make the mistake of letting the investment fool you. This training is more valuable than some programs you've invested in.



Formal details will be provided via email after you secure your seat. 

All sales are final and no refunds will be issued. 

If you want to experience a fraction of my or my clients' success, you should join me for Plan for Millions® 2.0.


"Before working with Darnyelle I had a solid multiple six figure business and I knew that millions were on the horizon for me. Crossing the million dollar mark wouldn’t have been possible without Darnyelle and her Coaching team. From the moment I’ve stepped into this powerful community, I’ve been up leveled in so many ways. With the teams help we experienced a $300,000 launch right away and went on to host my first event and generate $620,000 in three days! I’ve hired full time employees and am consistently stepping up my CEO leadership game. In my first year, I made the move to millions and in the second, I did it in 9 months, sustaining my 7 figure business. Their input has been both invaluable and immeasurable. The coaching, community and safe space Darnyelle creates is unmatched. I’m so grateful.”

dr. erica jordan thomas



"Before working with Darnyelle and the coaching team I was doing well in my business. Within this community, now I am doing amazing things. I love it here. The community, the coaching and the support is top-notched. In one year in the Mastermind, I made the move to millions and this community is the reason. In year two, I sustained my million-dollar company. The content, coaching and guidance is unparalleled.”



Millions don't just happen;
they are orchestrated with strategic SHIFTS.

Let's plan for Millions® together.

let's make millions move,

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Copyright © Incredible One Enterprises. All Right Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The success stated above is my personal success. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 20 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training. 

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Incredible One Enterprises General Refund and Return Policy: All sales are final on coaching & consulting services, digital product purchases and live events. There are no refunds and you are responsible for making all payments in your agreement of purchase whether you complete the program or not. By placing your order, you are indicating your agreement to the terms of this offer and to our billing policies on https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com/billing-policies/

Register Now

Join us for Plan for Millions
Oct. 22-24, 2024
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time

Your information is private and will not be shared.
