
Start your MOVE to Millions™!
Now is your opportunity to join us...

Private Training

How to set your business on the million-dollar trajectory without hustle and grind (even if you're just barely over the six-figure mark)

Ready to Make the Move to Millions® without the Stress and Struggle?

Start Your Transformation Today: 

Transformational Pre-Work
Incredible Factor Assessments & Kick Start Call
Financial Management Review
Floating Private Sessions with IFU Life/Mindset Coach
Three (3) Private Strategy Calls
Quarterly Group Coaching
Live Business Building Retreats
Monthly Group Coaching Calls 
Goal Setting & KPI Review
Laser Coaching with Darnyelle
Expert Office Hours (FB ADs, Tech & Automation, Social Media, HR)
Hearing the Voice of God
Mastermind Pods
Weekly Copy and Work Critiques
Leverage + Scale Millions Module Suite
Weekly/Daily Accountability Prompts
Four (4) 90-Day Business Growth Planners
Exclusive Client Forum

This is your opportunity to join the ultimate all-in-one business scale program to position you to make the Move to Millions® faster than you could on your own.

$3,500 non-refundable deposit today and pay balance by bank transfer within 10 days. 

$3,500 non-refundable deposit today
11 payments of $3,500 thirty (30) days apart

TWO-YEAR OPTION (save $6,000/year)
Enroll for 2 years and make a $3,000 non-refundable deposit today
23 payments of $3,000 thirty (30) days apart

Were you bamboozled into thinking that getting solidly to or just beyond the six-figure mark was going to be the end all be all on your entrepreneurship journey?

If so, I know how you feel. I remember being so excited when I ran my numbers, looked at my client count, and realized that I had done it:  

I crossed the elusive six figure mark. {insert the fireworks} 

I have to be honest, that feeling didn’t last long.  

I realized that at the low end of six figures, all I had done was successfully create a job for myself. I was still basically my only employee, which meant I was doing all the things... marketing, sales, customer service, client care, admin, program delivery and that meant that I was sitting in overwhelm, over tired and not experiencing consistent self-care, etc. Let’s just say the balloon popped real quick.

Once I realized that six figures was NOT the holy grail, I knew I had to set my sights on the seven figure mark.  I was tired of sitting at the crossroad or “hustle and grind” and “there’s got to be more to business than this.” 

And I will be honest, I set the million-dollar year goal for three years in a row before I actually hit it.  

You see, probably just like you, I thought I was ready to make the move, but my business wasn’t set up to support my goal AND I didn't REALLY believe that a business that generated millions in sales and revenue was for me. Once I figured out what I had to change in my business and got my mind right, I went from about $400,000 a year to $1,800,000.

Just. Like. That. 

There were four things that I changed to get me over the hump, and when you join my Move to Millions Mastermind, I will share my advanced private training with you to outline exactly what I changed to become a million dollar company (and how now I am helping my clients do the same).

I wish someone told me the right way to cross the million dollar mark...

When I crossed the million dollar mark for the first time in 2014, I did it the wrong way - I didn't have the right systems, team, mission, vision, financial management system (and the sad part was that I had a "business coach" at the time) and as a result, I didn't get to enjoy it - it actually became my burden, as if Biggie Smalls was right - that more money DOES equal more problems.  But Biggie was only right if you don't know what you're doing, don't have the right mentor and don't master the keys I will share with you in-depth in my private training. The good news is that this won't be your story because you'll have me and my team guiding you along the way...To make the move in a way that serves and supports all that you are, you're going to have to get clear before you start the journey. So, before we go any farther, let’s do a check in.  

The Move to Millions Mastermind is for you if:

You crossed the six-figure mark the hard way... filled with hustle, grind, overwhelm and/or stress... and you KNOW there's got to be better way.
You're tired of wearing every hat, doing all the things, and sacrificing precious time with loved ones, self care and your sanity.
You're ready to step out from behind your skillset, truly unlock your confidence and lead a million dollar company
You find yourself shushing that still small voice as it bellows "there's got to be more to life and business than this!"
You’re clear about your business; by all accounts you're doing well, but you KNOW your business was created to be more successful and you could go from a business that is really a good paying job to scaling an empire.
You want to shift from six figures a year to six figures a month while expanding your personal and professional success, without sacrificing ANYTHING that is important to you. 
You're tired of being the bottleneck in your business and you're ready to build a team to expand your brand, fulfill your mission and establish your legacy.
You’re ready for scale by tightening your strategy, sales infrastructure, systems and support and you want access to a proven community and curriculum to accelerate your results as you do it.

If you are vigorously nodding your head “yes” and you’re ready to spend quality time with spirit-filled big thinkers, risk takers, and action-producing thought leaders as you deepen your connection to God and strengthen your faith...

Welcome Home.
(it's different here)

"I went from barely getting by to over six figures by the end of my first year working with Darnyelle (and again the next year). More than that, I have a business that serves me and funds my life – I’ve paid off so much debt, paid for my wedding and honeymoon of a lifetime, and created a lifestyle for my family because of how she’s helped me to grow my business."

Shaniece Wise Spencer
Business Expansion Strategist

"Before Darnyelle, I was “getting by” in my business, but not able to get past $5,000-$6,000 a month in income. Darnyelle helped me deal with mindset challenges and brought balance to my life, as well as helped me focus on productivity and pricing. As a result, my income has grown by 125.7% and I am now closing $50,000 clients!"

Wanda Watson
Finance & Tax Expert

"In working with Darnyelle, we have experienced so much personal growth that is spilling over into our business growth. We experienced a steady monthly climb in revenues and in our actions and decisions as business owners. In the last 6 months, we have earned more than all of last year! In fact, we’ve seen a 473% return on our investment and we are just getting started!"

Barbara & Andrea 
Productive Environment Institute