
Start your MOVE to Millions™!
Now is your opportunity to join us...

Private Training

How to set your business on the million-dollar trajectory without hustle and grind (even if you're just barely over the six-figure mark)

Ready to Make the Move to Millions® without the Stress and Struggle?

Start Your Transformation Today: 

Transformational Pre-Work
Incredible Factor Assessments & Kick Start Call
Financial Management Review
Floating Private Sessions with IFU Life/Mindset Coach
Three (3) Private Strategy Calls
Quarterly Group Coaching
Live Business Building Retreats
Monthly Group Coaching Calls 
Goal Setting & KPI Review
Laser Coaching with Darnyelle
Expert Office Hours (FB ADs, Tech & Automation, Social Media, HR)
Hearing the Voice of God
Mastermind Pods
Weekly Copy and Work Critiques
Leverage + Scale Millions Module Suite
Weekly/Daily Accountability Prompts
Four (4) 90-Day Business Growth Planners
Exclusive Client Forum

This is your opportunity to join the ultimate all-in-one business scale program to position you to make the Move to Millions® faster than you could on your own.

$3,500 non-refundable deposit today and pay balance by bank transfer within 10 days. 

$3,500 non-refundable deposit today
11 payments of $3,500 thirty (30) days apart

TWO-YEAR OPTION (save $6,000/year)
Enroll for 2 years and make a $3,000 non-refundable deposit today
23 payments of $3,000 thirty (30) days apart

Were you bamboozled into thinking that getting solidly to or just beyond the six-figure mark was going to be the end all be all on your entrepreneurship journey?

If so, I know how you feel. I remember being so excited when I ran my numbers, looked at my client count, and realized that I had done it:  

I crossed the elusive six figure mark. {insert the fireworks} 

I have to be honest, that feeling didn’t last long.  

I realized that at the low end of six figures, all I had done was successfully create a job for myself. I was still basically my only employee, which meant I was doing all the things... marketing, sales, customer service, client care, admin, program delivery and that meant that I was sitting in overwhelm, over tired and not experiencing consistent self-care, etc. Let’s just say the balloon popped real quick.

Once I realized that six figures was NOT the holy grail, I knew I had to set my sights on the seven figure mark.  I was tired of sitting at the crossroad or “hustle and grind” and “there’s got to be more to business than this.” 

And I will be honest, I set the million-dollar year goal for three years in a row before I actually hit it.  

You see, probably just like you, I thought I was ready to make the move, but my business wasn’t set up to support my goal AND I didn't REALLY believe that a business that generated millions in sales and revenue was for me. Once I figured out what I had to change in my business and got my mind right, I went from about $400,000 a year to $1,800,000.

Just. Like. That. 

There were four things that I changed to get me over the hump, and when you join my Move to Millions Mastermind, I will share my advanced private training with you to outline exactly what I changed to become a million dollar company (and how now I am helping my clients do the same).

I wish someone told me the right way to cross the million dollar mark...

When I crossed the million dollar mark for the first time in 2014, I did it the wrong way - I didn't have the right systems, team, mission, vision, financial management system (and the sad part was that I had a "business coach" at the time) and as a result, I didn't get to enjoy it - it actually became my burden, as if Biggie Smalls was right - that more money DOES equal more problems.  But Biggie was only right if you don't know what you're doing, don't have the right mentor and don't master the keys I will share with you in-depth in my private training. The good news is that this won't be your story because you'll have me and my team guiding you along the way...To make the move in a way that serves and supports all that you are, you're going to have to get clear before you start the journey. So, before we go any farther, let’s do a check in.  

The Move to Millions Mastermind is for you if:

You crossed the six-figure mark the hard way... filled with hustle, grind, overwhelm and/or stress... and you KNOW there's got to be better way.
You're tired of wearing every hat, doing all the things, and sacrificing precious time with loved ones, self care and your sanity.
You're ready to step out from behind your skillset, truly unlock your confidence and lead a million dollar company
You find yourself shushing that still small voice as it bellows "there's got to be more to life and business than this!"
You’re clear about your business; by all accounts you're doing well, but you KNOW your business was created to be more successful and you could go from a business that is really a good paying job to scaling an empire.
You want to shift from six figures a year to six figures a month while expanding your personal and professional success, without sacrificing ANYTHING that is important to you. 
You're tired of being the bottleneck in your business and you're ready to build a team to expand your brand, fulfill your mission and establish your legacy.
You’re ready for scale by tightening your strategy, sales infrastructure, systems and support and you want access to a proven community and curriculum to accelerate your results as you do it.

If you are vigorously nodding your head “yes” and you’re ready to spend quality time with spirit-filled big thinkers, risk takers, and action-producing thought leaders as you deepen your connection to God and strengthen your faith...

Welcome Home.
(it's different here)

"I went from barely getting by to over six figures by the end of my first year working with Darnyelle (and again the next year). More than that, I have a business that serves me and funds my life – I’ve paid off so much debt, paid for my wedding and honeymoon of a lifetime, and created a lifestyle for my family because of how she’s helped me to grow my business."

Shaniece Wise Spencer
Business Expansion Strategist

"Before Darnyelle, I was “getting by” in my business, but not able to get past $5,000-$6,000 a month in income. Darnyelle helped me deal with mindset challenges and brought balance to my life, as well as helped me focus on productivity and pricing. As a result, my income has grown by 125.7% and I am now closing $50,000 clients!"

Wanda Watson
Finance & Tax Expert

"In working with Darnyelle, we have experienced so much personal growth that is spilling over into our business growth. We experienced a steady monthly climb in revenues and in our actions and decisions as business owners. In the last 6 months, we have earned more than all of last year! In fact, we’ve seen a 473% return on our investment and we are just getting started!"

Barbara & Andrea 
Productive Environment Institute

Access the proven formula to scale your business with a community of high achieving, like-minded service-based business owners who are incredibly focused on shaking the planet and strutting in significance. 

This program boasts life changing encounter with the Incredible Factor University coaching team, which includes award-winning spiritual business coach and strategist, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon plus a group of talented coaches in every specialty you need as well as your six and multiple six figure advancing entrepreneur peers.

Our business scaling program is filled with planet-shaking business owners, many of whom who hold advanced degrees (MD, PhD, JD, CPA, etc.), profitably impacting the world in their own right.

The program is backed by a safe space for purpose-driven business owners to become all that God has ALREADY approved them to be in every area of their life - you'll be a better version of yourself, a better spouse, parent, leader AND, you'll be supported to BECOME all of that while building a business that shakes the planet and profitably impacts the world!

To BECOME a Move to Millions Mastermind client, make your deposit.

You are one of the few applicants we've invited to join us for this exclusive program.

There is no “playing small;” because you cannot live the abundant life God promised you on six figures a year. 

As a member of this powerful community, you can expect to grow your business by 50-600% in the next 12 months. You should know right now that typically our clients are enrolled for an average of three (3) years in this powerful program but many stay longer and exceed their growth goals year over year. You’ll get consistent access to IFU coaching team, insightful strategy, implementation support, masterful masterminding with your peers and spiritual guidance and support that's all back by our award winning leverage + scale business growth curriculum.

This growth is compounded by introducing your business to the Model of Financial and Spiritual Abundance™. With the introduction of spiritual alignment, coaching, guidance and support, this program brings your NEXT LEVEL EVERYTHING™ into view. There is no program like this in the marketplace. Every part of who you are will be fueled as you experience extreme support and empowerment to move your life and business forward. You’ll finally stop talking about millions and ACTUALLY earn them in a way that serves and supports all that God created you to be.

Six Figures can’t be your end game.

Now that you’re solidly over the six-figure mark, has it set in that getting to the million dollar mark is as much about increasing your income as it is about making sure that the work you do produces wealth and legacy for your family?

I know how you feel, I made the same realization when I crossed the six-figure mark.   I realized quickly that six figures couldn’t be my end game.  I knew that it was just a milestone, an illustration that I do add value, I do change lives and I am the best whoever did it.

Once I stood boldly in this confidence, I set my eyes and focus on expanding my reach without minimizing my mission so that I could make the MOVE to Millions™ – generating millions in my business while also impacting millions of lives.  Now I’m committed to helping others do the same – in less time than it took me.  You see, I realized that the key to millions was focusing on four powerful things  and today, through my Mastermind, I walk my clients step by step through the MOVE to Millions™ Framework that changed my life forever.

"With Darnyelle's help we’ve watched our revenues grow to more than $1,000,000 (including our first ever $100,000 month)! Every time Darnyelle gives us a strategy, we make more money."


"I built my pipeline to more than $40,000,000 and grew my revenue to $1,500,000! I've worked with other coaches who didn't really understand business and so working with Darnyelle has been so refreshing."

Sheyla Blackman
IT Management

"In my first year working with Darnyelle, I grew from $100,000 to $250,000, and in the second year, I grew my business to ½ a millionWhy should you hire Darnyelle? That’s easy… when people come into her space, they make more money."

Nancy Green, Esq.
Small Biz Attorney

Leverage and Scale Mastery is about Tightening Your Strategy, sales infrastructure And Systems As You Build Your Support Team

If you have a strong foundation for your business, BUT you’re still working way too hard, I'm about to blow your mind. Likely you are the only service provider that your clients rely on for results, so you’re juggling working in and working on your business. At this point, if you don’t hire a strong team (and tighten your other assets) you will burn out before you cash out. It’s time to introduce leverage and start scaling up your revenue so that you generate way more and you are free to do only the parts of your business that you love while having the right team that understands, supports and loves your mission and vision.

Introducing the Move to Millions® Mastermind:

The Move to Millions Mastermind is EXACTLY what you’ve been praying for.  Over the course of 12 months, you’ll develop and/or tighten your Million Dollar Assets™:  Your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite™, Your Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite™, Your Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula™, (AKA Strategy), Your Million Dollar Sales Suite™, Your Million Dollar Business Optimization Systems™ and Build Your Million Dollar Team™....and you’ll do it all by Focusing...

Instead of doing all the things, what if you learned to FOCUS....

...on one SPICE Audience who has one SPICE Problem that they are painfully aware that they have, that is already costing them tons of money
...on one SPICE Solution to finally help them solve the problem that they can’t solve on their own 
...on one SPICE Message, that cuts through the noise, creates an emotional connection and makes it clear how to get the solution they seek  
...on one SPICE traffic source that brings tons of your most ideal clients to your digital door
...on one SPICE sales tool that converts consistently into your SPICE solution
...on one SPICE system for each of the 7 areas of your business so that you make your success and revenue predictable
...on one SPICE team to help you scale with ease and grace instead of hustle and grind as you shift from entrepreneur to CEO 

Here's what's included in the
Move to Millions Mastermind:

Access to our elite team of coaches in these areas...

Life & Mindset





We'll cover the 7 Pillars of Business Optimization...

Incredible Factor Assessments

Before we even start working together, you’ll take several assessments so we can discover the holes in your business and use what we uncover to develop your strategic sales, systems, strategy and support plans to leverage and scale your business to $1M as quickly as possible.

On-boarding + Kick-start Call

To get your program moving in the growth direction, you’ll get to spend a detailed call with a member of the team to maximize your experience in the program and you’ll design your custom roadmap and curriculum to navigate the powerful program.

Mastermind Circles

Once each quarter, you’ll enjoy a traditional masterminding session led by Darnyelle and the coaching team (powered by your fellow mastermind members) to work on a current challenge or goal and get group input to maximize your attention, strategy and implementation towards your monthly goals.

Floating Sessions with the IFU Life Coach

Need life or mindset coaching? The IFU Coaching team has you covered. Book one of your floating calls whenever you need to work through any personal development issues.

Four (4) LIVE Business Building Retreats

Held over 2.5 days, these meetings will help you apply business-building strategy & adapt best practices based on the Pillars of Business Optimization™.  Retreats are held January, April, July, October in Newark, DE or sometimes another location.

Private Strategy Calls

This program is all about progress and support to shift your business’ trajectory. When you hit specific milestones (systems and revenue related milestones will be determined during your kickstart call) during your year in the program, you’ll receive a private debrief with a member of the IFU coaching team.

Leverage + Scale Millions Module Suite

This suite of more than 100 modules are broken down by pillar (mindset, messaging, marketing, sales, operations, talent, leadership) to give you access to everything you’ll need to master to scale to $1M.

Financial Management Review Session

You’ll meet with our resident financial management advisor to make sure that your business is set up for scale, you’re not paying too much in taxes and you’re ready to reap every financial benefit coming your way.

Once Monthly Group Goal Setting, KPI Review Call and Laser Coaching Call

Previous Month Recap, Goal Setting, & KPI Review – This monthly group call is for direction and strategy from Darnyelle plus we’ll evaluate your goals and what’s standing in your way while making sure the pay forward is clear.

Once Monthly Group Laser Coaching Call

In the third (3rd) week of each month, you’ll check in with Darnyelle and your peers on your goals for the month and get strategy to finish your goals strong. During these calls, you can expect to be stretched.

7 Figure Mentor Monthly Call

Once each month, Darnyelle will invite a seven-figure “super” friend to do a live training and Q & A on topics that will move your business toward 7 figures faster. You’ll love the topics and every one of our Super Friends! Each friend is a personal colleague and expert of Darnyelle’s.

Twice Monthly Group Mastermind Pod Calls

Productivity Party with Coach Paris – In the second week of each month, you’ll meet with our resident Productivity Coach to work through your goals and where you are to make the final push on your monthly goals.

Once Monthly Group Mindset Calls

Mindset Makeover with Coach Marissa – In the fourth week of each month, you’ll meet with our resident Mindset Coach to ensure you have the right mindset and alignment to make leverage and scale possible.

Hearing the Voice of God Class

With Spirituality Coach Shawndra – Businesses with a spiritual foundation go much farther much faster.  To facilitate deepening your relationship with God, you’ll be able to join our IFU Spirituality Coach for a monthly class to leverage the power of the God in your business.

Daily & Weekly Productivity Prompts

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get distracted on the path to millions. Without implementation, there are no results. To help you know where to focus each day, you’ll receive a daily prompt to get each day started toward revenue generation, systems integration and dream team development. Weekly prompts are also included to make sure you’re always moving the needle!

Weekly Copy and Work Critiques

Submit everything that you’re working on for critique and review so that we can make sure you’re able to convert and dial in your message, marketing and sales..Our team will review and provide feedback to make sure that you’re work is ready for conversion.

Templates, Scripts & Checklists

Done-for-You Scripts & Templates – Everything you need to leverage + scale your biz to & beyond the million dollar mark is here for you to fit to your specific business.

Exclusive Client Forum

Communicate with your peers and share your success, ask for their opinions, etc. and grow your business while building relationships for life and networking in our private Facebook community.

Four (4) 90-Day Business Growth Planners

Each quarter, you’ll get a new 90 day planner to keep your business straight for the quarter and help you to stay in alignment as you scale.

Implementation Parties

Once each quarter, you'll join your fellow IFU brothers and sisters for an opportunity for uninterrupted time to implement something that will drive revenue in your business.

Optional Productivity Partner 

Based on your business stage & Kolbe A score, you’ll be matched with an productivity buddy who will strengthen and compliment your goals to move your business forward. Every individual is an advancing person of faith. Partners rotate every retreat.

Pay in Full Bonus

Bring your spouse, business partner or key employee to business building retreats at no additional charge. Having your support team there as you map out your goals is a true game changer so they can support the vision of your implementation plan.

Ready to Make the Move to Millions™?

Imagine what it will be like...

...when you go from six figure years to six figure months AND you do it without sacrificing quality time with loved ones, your sleep, self-care or sanity
...when your business is highly leveraged, your revenue is scaled and your team can expand the brand while you take your children on an extended vacation (or go on a second honeymoon with your boo)
...when you’re watching your Director of Operations lead your weekly team meetings and you are able to sit back confidently knowing that your vision is being translated to your powerful team
...when, if it’s your desire, you’re able to retire your spouse so that they can do what they dream and journal about
...when you start funding your retirement fund without having to decide what you can enjoy now
...when you’ve expanded your reach and are serving hundreds of clients and your systems aren’t breaking down and you’re not over worked or the bottleneck
...when you get invited to share your story and signature system on larger stages
when you have time to start that passion project or nonprofit with a full team to support your vision
when you Make the MOVE to Millions™ AND have all the time in the world to enjoy the impact it will create

All of this is not only possible, it’s probable, when you invest in yourself through the Move to Millions Mastermind.

"I got up-leveled; my mindset, my rates, my confidence and my ability to close more sales, more often. I cannot believe that just 30 days after my weekend with Darnyelle, I earned $46,000. In the year since joining her Mastermind, I’ve added more than $300,000 in new revenue!"

Marissa Q. Paine
consultant & coach

"When I met Darnyelle, my business was doing a little more than ½ million a year. I knew that I should be doing millions... but I wasn't quite sure what I was missing. With Darnyelle's help we put the right business model, systems, and team in place, and now we've done $4M in sales in 2020."

Marquel Russell
client attraction Strategist

"As a result of implementing the plan we created together, I grew my business to seven figures! And, I was just awarded the Enterprising Women of the Year Award as a $1M business. She helped me find and focus on the holes and plug them with sustainable strategies and systems."

Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis
Executive Women’s Success Institute

"After joining IFU, I’ve tightened my systems, strengthened my team and I've stepped out of my comfort zone and marketing more effectively. In the last year, my company’s growth has been over 200%! As a member of the healthcare industry, the steps it takes to build a business can be daunting and confusing. Darnyelle makes it easier to understand and execute and I have the multiple six-figure growth to prove it."


"When I first met Darnyelle, I was charging too low, unorganized, fearful and unclear how I could really make the kind of money I desire in my business. I’ve now stepped into charging five and six figures for my design work and no shortage of clients. I've got a THRIVING ½ Million dollar business thanks to Darnyelle. The change in me is much more than the money... I’m confident, I’m clear and I’m building a team to support my business."


"Investing in myself and my business through hiring Darnyelle to coach and mentor me changed not only my business but my life. I keep re-enrolling because I keep doubling my business each year. Darnyelle is truly INCREDIBLE at helping you to see the blind spots in your business where more income, growth and opportunities await."


Leverage + Scale Weekend Curriculum

Phase One: Prepare

Leverage + Scale Pre-Work

Your experience starts from the moment you invest in yourself and your next level.  My team will host you for an on-boarding experience that is destined to shift the trajectory of your life and business. You’ll get impact-shifting pre-work so that you are in a mind space that supports your up-leveling. In preparation for your weekend, you get access to five (5) powerful modules (the pre-work is designed to take up to 30 days to complete, giving you space to prepare FULLY for your weekend experience.  And the cool thing is that all pre-work is reviewed and critiqued by our team! During the pre-work phase, you'll also get weekly calls to support you as you prepare for your implementation weekend. These modules and the pre-weekend coaching and critique are honestly worth the cost of admission by themselves:

Clarity for Your Business: You’ll get crystal clear about the next level of your business, including the right business model for your next level goals and create your Six Figure Months Business Blueprint.
Start with Why:  We take you all the way back to why you started your business in order to help you shift the way you think about your messaging and marketing.  This is such a powerful way to change the way you scale your business. 
Up-level Your Ideal Client:  As you develop your Leverage + Scale business collateral, it  is not likely that you’ll be focused on the same clients you use to attract.  In an effort to help you begin the up-leveling process, we will take you all the way back to getting clear about your ideal client (which we call your Audience of One™).
Up-Level Your Signature Business Move (aka Signature System). The key to leverage + scale is your core process and framework that makes success predictable for your clients. You’ll tighten and tweak your signature system or create it from scratch as a part of your pre-work then submit it to our team for a review of it BEFORE your weekend starts. 
MORE: The Money Mindset Masterclass: Until you know that you deserve to earn more, you won’t be able to earn more so we are going to deal with your money consciousness and begin the process of radically dismantling your limiting money beliefs (includes completing your money map).

Phase Two: Plan (Day 1)

Create & Price Your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite

Your offer is the key to Leverage + Scale. These offers will be priced for you to hit your money milestone QUICKLY. You'll walk away with your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite which includes a maximum of three (3) offers - a Superb Offer, a Signature offer and a Select Offer, which will have you earning between $10,000 - $100,000 PER new client. Remember, it takes the same energy to sell higher end programs as it does to sell low. With your NEW Leverage + Scale Offer Suite, you can expect your offer to do each of the following for your business:

1.) Illustrates why you're the OBVIOUS choice in the market.

2.) Generates more revenue for you from each new sale.

3.) Brings more of the right clients to your programs.

4.) Increases your perceived value based on the expertise and transferrable results you offer.

5.) Allows you to be more selective with who you enroll so you can get rid of desperate sales energy (you’ll even learn my secret for converting prospects to paying client without have to spend all your time in “sales mode”.)

PHASE two: PLAN (DAY 2)  

Craft Your Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite

Second ONLY to what you offer is your messaging.  And if you don’t get known, you won’t get found... which means you can forget about getting paid. We take all of the guesswork out of creating your key messages and benefit statements for each offer, along with your powerful sales copy for your first or next ad and nurture sequence with our highly-converting Plug and Play templates.

We start with your key messages and then shift into your benefit statements for your offer suite before ending with your coveted nurture and follow up sequences. Then, we will teach you how to leverage your story to position and convert! You’ll leave with a tight message that will make you millions.

PHASE two: PLAN (DAY 3) 

Create Your Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula

We'll help you create a sales funnel so that you are CLEAR about every step in your business model to achieve your goals quickly. We will go from ideal client to income and EVERYTHING you need for business success in between. And more than that, you'll KNOW EXACTLY which strategy you're leveraging in your business over the next year to hit your next money milestone. The clarity that comes with this process is not only profit producing, but it stops the need to hustle and grind in your business. You'll actually have time to enjoy all of the ADDITIONAL money you're earning in your business and you'll be able to build a team so that you get to do only the parts you love.

And you'll do all of this based on our Leverage + Scale Incredible One Framework. With extreme FOCUS, you'll make the move to millions sooner than you ever could on your own.

In just three days, you’ll lay the foundation to quantum leap your business toward the seven-figure mark with your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite™,  your Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite™  and your Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula™.  

PHASE three: Profit

Implementation and Support

After your weekend is over, you’ll move immediately into the Leverage + Scale Momentum program where you'll have 8 powerful weeks with the IFU coaching team to dial in all we created so that you watch your bank account balance grow, your sanity return and your life transform. In the 8 weeks following your weekend as you implement your new L + S Business Success Formula, you'll join the clients who start to have $30K - $100K months!

With our help, you'll become a better leader, parent, spouse, community servant & CEO and that all starts in three short days...

Join us and let the Move to Millions Mastermind start your journey through the most impactful 12 months of your life!

This Program is NOT For Everyone.



You know that you add value and others experience real transformation when you operate in your Incredible Factor (our way of saying your zone of genius).


You know that because you got here, you can get there ($250K, $500K, $750K, $1M or more).


You're a service-based business owner (coach, consultant, attorney, accountant, financial advisor, interior designer, etc) who's ready to up-level the experience you offer your clients and build a company as you earn in direct proportion to the gifts and talents you leverage to solve real problems and create real results.


You’re not just starting a business, you are making money (albeit not what you desire), you are clear about who you are, who you serve and that you're ready to start the journey toward seven figures (even if you’re so overworked the thought of adding more to your plate scares you.)

If that's you...

My team and I can't wait to see you in the Move to Millions Mastermind™!

"In the two years I have been working with Darnyelle, I have grown my business into a solid multiple six-figure business. I’m closing clients at higher rates and building a powerful team to support me. It's about so much more than business growth; my life has changed in every way. If you are a small business owner, you need an expert like Darnyelle to show you exactly how to leverage + scale to serve more clients and earn more income in your industry."


"I crossed the six-figure mark two months into hiring Darnyelle, and within 12 months my revenues skyrocketed to over $300,000. But I had no idea that I would be shifted in every way – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. I’m a better wife, mother, First Lady and business woman and I am so grateful to Darnyelle for sharing selflessly with her clients and helping me to achieve a life-long goal."


"Before becoming an Incredible Factor University client and working with Darnyelle, I was a great speaker but I was not a well paid one. Darnyelle showed me how to monetize my message and to understand my value. With her help, I closed a multi-six figure client. What I continue to be impressed by is the fact that Darnyelle’s not just a marketing coach, she’s a proven business leader who truly understands how to build scalable businesses. "


Frequently Asked Questions

What are my investment options?


You can make a non-refundable deposit now of $3,500, then pay in full for $38,500 within 10 days by wire/bank transfer and receive Leverage + Scale Enrollment Events ($3,000 value).

Or you can take our convenient payment option which allows you to make a non-refundable deposit of $3,500, then 11 additional payments of $3,500 thirty (30) days apart


You can make a non-refundable deposit now of $3,000, then pay $3,000 a month for 23 additional months and save $12,000 over the course of 2 years

If I need to make my full payment on more than one card is that a possibility?

Yes, if you need to split the investment just email us at [email protected] and we will get you taken care of. We actually don't take payments via credit card of more than $5,000.00 if you are paying in full we require the balance via bank transfer.

I know that there are a few other coaches in this program, do we get access to Darnyelle?

Of course!  The IFU coaching team has been trained by Darnyelle, and Darnyelle will be fully present throughout the program. Your 1st and 3rd weekly calls are with Darnyelle as well as retreats and implementation, and of course via the Facebook Group.

I know that Darnyelle also has the Leverage + Scale Weekend, how is this different?

Leverage + Scale Weekend is a prerequisite to the Mastermind.  Everyone in the Mastermind has also been through Leverage + Scale Weekend and created their Leverage + Scale Offer Suite, Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite, and Leverage and Scale Business Success Formula. The Weekend establishes your foundation and helps you to create everything you need for six-figure months.  During the Weekend, the average client generates $30,000 to $100,000 in 30 days and the Mastermind helps you to dial everything in so that you cross the million-dollar mark sooner and to make six-figure months your new normal

Will this work for me if I've only had one $5,000-10,000 month?

Yes!  To participate in this program, it is recommended that you at least be on target for six figures in your business. We will help you to turn the occasional $10K month into CONSISTENT high five- or six-figure months. (We do not enroll people in this program who are just starting in busines or pre-revenue. It ensures that you're in a true group with your peers on the same level.)

Why is there an entrepreneurial stage and income requirement to participate in this program?

Because of the fast-moving curriculum and approach to radically transforming your life and business, we require that you are not a brand-new business owner. In our experience, new entrepreneurs are overwhelmed by the content and strategy presented in this program and they tend not to be ready to implement and get results that we know this program offers. In our experience, entrepreneurs who aren't new to business who have had some success (even if it hasn't been consistent) are ready to do what it takes to achieve their heart's desires in their business.

What are the pre-work modules that are included?

We walk you through your Million Dollar Assets to make sure everything in your business is tight before we help you make your Move to Millions. It's everything we work on with our clients in the Leverage + Scale Weekend. At the Mastery Mastermind level, you'll likely have these things done already, but the pre-work helps you optimize them.

What if I just want to hire Darnyelle privately for one on one work?

Unfortunately, Darnyelle no longer offers private access programming.  Trust us, you think you want her to yourself, but you actually want the benefit of the community we've curated for you. This program provides the best possible results for our clients. Darnyelle + her team are INCREDIBLE at helping you leverage and scale your business quickly.

Because you've worked with so many entrepreneurs over the years, what would you say are the attributes that make them the most successful in your programs?

The clients that we've worked with who have experienced the most success are done making excuses and ready to take consistent action. They are coachable, teachable, and open to finding a way to move their life and business forward. They show up to the calls and ready to work through the content to get results. They show up for themselves and they do the work.  They ask questions and complete assignments. They are fully present in the program at all times. 

Is this program only about making money?

Absolutely not!  Everything about your life will be different. Well maybe except your name (since you were born with that).  You'll be a better spouse, parent, sibling, friend, and CEO.  We focus on the money for two reasons:  1.)  Until you get comfortable being honest about the fact that you want way more of it and you stop giving it the power it currently has, you won't bring more of it until your life experiences change and 2.) As entrepreneurs we are in business to solve problems for a profit.  You have to get comfortable with that.  But by no means will you start “chasing it”. We are going to teach you to chase your purpose instead and watch abundance in its fullness completely overtake you and show up as consistent six figure months.

How does my connection to God play a role in my next level?

In our opinion, businesses with a spiritual foundation go farther faster.  While we are certainly not going to force or coerce you to develop a personal relationship with God if you don't already enjoy one  (this isn't about religion), we are going to show the PROVEN spiritual principles that will bring all that you desire into view. As with anything, you have the right to apply your own language to everything that we share (God, Spirit, Source, Universe). God is not offended by being recognized in these ways so neither are we!  We speak in spiritual language purposely so that anyone of any religion can feel comfortable learning how to apply the abundance God created us to enjoy and see it manifest in every area of their lives. 

This has been great, but I still have more questions...

No problem.  We are happy to help you make the best decision for you.  If you still have questions, email Darnyelle directly at [email protected] or shoot her a DM on Instagram. You'll get the fastest response there.

Why not you?  Why Not Now?

We are NOW accepting new clients.

Enroll Now and start your journey toward leverage and scale at the next level!


Move to Millions Business Growth Strategist

Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a multi-million dollar coaching and consulting brand. Best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients, Darnyelle equips her clients to leverage and scale businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. From mindset to messaging, marketing, sales, systems and scale, Darnyelle can take you from six figures to seven figures in record time all while deepening your connection to God and strengthening your faith.

Darnyelle is an award-winning CEO, speaker, consultant and strategist whose work has been featured in Essence, Success, Black Enterprise and O Magazines. She is a best-selling author with 7 books to her credit, including her latest projects Burn the Box: 7 Fire Starter Strategies Leaders Can Leverage and Market Like a R.O.C.K. Star. In 2012, she was named Coach of the Year by Stiletto Woman Media and in 2013, she was recognized as a Small Business Champion by Small Business Trends. In 2018, she was awarded the Women Presidents Organization’s Women of Color Excellence Award and she joined the $1MM class of Enterprising Women of the Year. In 2019, Darnyelle was named the Black CEO of the Year and was a finalist for the eWomenNetwork Made It to a Million Award. In 2021, she was awarded with an honorary doctorate in entrepreneurship from LADCI. 

Darnyelle has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware, a Masters of Business Administration from Goldey Beacom College, a Kolbe Specialist Certification from the Kolbe Corporation, an Executive Coaching Certification from the Center for Executive Coaching and a prophetic anointing from God.

Copyright © Incredible One Enterprises. All Right Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The success stated above is my personal success. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 20 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training. 

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Incredible One Enterprises General Refund and Return Policy: All sales are final on coaching & consulting services, digital product purchases and live events. There are no refunds and you are responsible for making all payments in your agreement of purchase whether you complete the program or not. By placing your order, you are indicating your agreement to the terms of this offer and to our billing policies on https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com/billing-policies/

If you purchase a physical product and are not satisfied with the product you may return it in re-sellable condition within 30 calendar days from your order for a refund less a restocking fee of $50. After 30 days, no refunds will be granted but you may apply the balance (minus shipping and $50 admin fee) as a credit toward a future product, event or service in the next 12 months from the date of purchase. Any deposits made are non-refundable but may be used within 12 months on a product, consulting or live events.

PAYMENT PLANS: If you opted for a payment plan, it was offered to you as a courtesy. You are responsible for making all payments in your agreement of purchase whether you complete the program or not. Scheduled payments are attempted on the due date per the agreement. Should payment processing be unsuccessful on the first attempt, IOE will attempt to process the scheduled payment every day until the payment is successful. Any payment declines not resolved in a 4-day time frame will incur a $50 collection fee for each month the balance goes uncollected.
