It’s about time you had a business that serves you. We’ve declared 2017 the Year to Grow Your Business, Period.
Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA and I am the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises® and the creator of Incredible Factor University® and We Grow Businesses, Period. From the onset of my career, I have been instrumental in helping people grow. Today, we help our clients maximize the Five Pillars of Business Optimization™ - Brand Messaging, Marketing, Sales, Operations and Talent Optimization so that they experience more profit, freedom and joy than ever before in their businesses, and now I’m coming to you to help you learn key strategies to grow your business period in 2017!
Because of my commitment to teaching real business, my clients have earned in excess of $15,000,000 in the last 12 months. During my ½ Day training, I will introduce you to key strategies to help you add your success story to our growing list. In this ½ day training, I am going to share with you how I positioned my business (and the businesses of my clients) for profit, period. And I did it without compromising my message, hustling and grinding 24/7 OR reducing my rates (in fact I raised them by more than double). And I'd like to share with you how I did it during this introductory low cost training.
If you’re tired of the feast and famine roller coaster of building a business and you want clear strategy to grow a business that serves you, you need to meet me for this event.
"I grew my business to $1.5 MILLION with Darnyelle's help!"
Before working with Darnyelle, I was enjoying the fruits of running a ½ million dollar business. I'm good at what I do and I help my clients get great results. In working with Darnyelle, I realized what was missing: I struggled with the mindsets that kept me getting out of my own way long enough to create a plan and take massive actions in my business. Just a month or so into my work with Darnyelle, I experienced a massive shift mentally and got into action. As a result, I built my pipeline to more than $40,000,000 and grew my revenue to $1,500,000! I've worked with other coaches who didn't really understand business and so working with Darnyelle has been so refreshing. My business is on a trajectory of growth, my mindset is focused on abundance and I am just getting started. If you're ready to up-level your mindset, business acumen and results, you should be working with Darnyelle.
Sheyla Blackman
ITMC Solutions &
Government Contractor Coach

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EDT
High-Content Workshop, Business Makeovers and Open Q&A
(4 hours with break)
Investment: $49
*Formal details will be provided via email after you secure your seat.
Please come a few minutes early to introduce yourself and to make sure you have no technical issues with joining.
*All sales are final, no refunds will be issued*
"I closed a $250,000+ client with Darnyelle's help!"
Before becoming an Incredible Factor University client and working with Darnyelle, I was a great speaker but I was not a well paid one. Darnyelle showed me how to monetize my message. What I continue to be impressed by is the fact that Darnyelle’s not just a marketing coach, she’s a proven business leader who understands business and teaches others, including me, how to build viable businesses.
Her expertise has changed my life in so many ways. in addition to showing me how to monetize my message to make more money speaking, she helped me understand my value. With her help, I closed a multi-six figure client. I’m forever up-leveled! If you want to make more money, come into Darnyelle’s space, she does after all grow businesses, period.
Star Bobatoon
Star Consulting, LLC

Dear Soon to Be Profitable Business Owner,
You’ve been playing at business long enough.
I know you’ve had some big scores in your day – worked with some great clients and made some “okay” money. But I know you’re ready for GREAT. I know that you’re ready for something INCREDIBLE to happen in your business. You’re ready for a business that serves you, clients and contracts that are more than you thought you could close.
Am I right? Of course I am.
Here’s the problem: You ARE brilliant, but working with your most ideal clients will continue to escape you if you don’t get access to what it really takes to grow a business that serves you. I’m afraid if you don’t learn how to price for profitability, create systems and refine your messaging and marketing strategies you’ll become a part of the unfortunate 10-12% of businesses that go under every year. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but only 10.4% of entrepreneurs and small business owners have revenues that exceed $100,000 per year.
If you join me for my Grow Your Business Period Tour, you could move into the 10.4%. I’ve never been more certain that you can experience profit, build a business that serves you and cross the multiple six figure (or seven figure) mark in your business THIS YEAR.
Yup, this year.
Did you know that 17 is the number of TOTAL VICTORY?! That’s victory in every facet of your life. I’ve made it my personal mission to help you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life BECAUSE of your business. However, having your own business and being your own boss can’t be sustained if you don’t get access to PROVEN strategies for consistent and uncompromised growth. The fact is without a customized plan, the right environment, the right mindset and the right accountability you will remain part of the 89.6%.
You see, it's about having a business that serves and supports your lifestyle aspirations. I won't teach you to hustle and grind and I won't teach you to work ungodly hours. In fact, you'll REDUCE how much you work while earning WAY more... The fact is, when you understand how to master and leverage the Five Pillar of Business Optimization, YOU. WON'T. HAVE. TO.
Introducing the Grow Your Business Period Tour...
This tour was born out of my desire to serve more businesses through my divine mandate. You see, I believe that I was born to help you experience entrepreneurship and wealth financially and spiritually. Rather than waiting for you to come see me in Newark, DE, I’ve decided to come see you. During this ½ day training, you’ll be introduced to Incredible Factor University® (IFU), my suite of coaching and consulting programs for today’s uncompromising advancing entrepreneur. IFU is for advancing entrepreneurs who value being surrounded by like-minded people, who are looking for access to next level strategy and insight to move the needle in their life and business and for those who don’t want to compromise what’s most important to them on the journey of building a business – more money, more freedom, more joy. If you want to make great money, have a life to enjoy it and do meaningful work, IFU may be just what you're looking for. This event isn't my stab at getting rich quick; it's my proven formula for building a business that serves you financially and spiritually. And, I know it works because in the last 8 years, I have helped thousands of businesses access tools to experience growth, period.
Building a business doesn’t have to be difficult.
When you join me, you’ll instantly feel the difference and you’ll know you’re finally in the right place to accelerate your shift into building a business that serves you.

Here’s what you’ll discover at the Grow Your Business Tour
- An Introduction to the Model of Financial and Spiritual Abundance
- How to Leverage the Pillars of Business Optimization™ in Your Business
- The Missing Pillar: Mindset (and how to maximize yours for the best results)
- The Sales Conversation Formula
- Q&A with Darnyelle and IFU clients
- An Introduction to Incredible Factor University Business School Programs and Curriculum
- A Chance to Have Me Makeover Your Business (apply after securing your seat)
"A 473% Return on Investment Working with Darnyelle for 6 months!"
In working with Darnyelle, we have experienced so much personal growth that is spilling over into our business growth. Prior to hiring Darnyelle, our monthly revenues were not commensurate with the value and expertise we add to the marketplace. Since hiring Darnyelle, we've noticed a steady monthly climb in revenues and in our actions and decisions as business owners. In the last 6 months, we have earned more than all of last year! We are more confident in our value and are focused on growing our company. Before Darnyelle we would have never considered charging 5 figures for our services. Now, not only are we charging it, we are earning it! In fact, we've seen a 473% return on our investment and we are just getting started. With Darnyelle's help we have already grown so much and know that the best is yet to come. If you're tired of not seeing your expertise build a revenue generating business, hire Darnyelle. It really is Incredible what she can help you accomplish. It's been so great, we hired her again!
Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Andersen
Productive Environment Institute
This ½ day training is for you if:
- You're a small business owner, with a team of dedicated employees and contractors who help you to expand your brand, but collectively you need a new plan that focuses on up-leveling every aspect of your business so that growth is consistent
- You’re an advancing service-based entrepreneur [coach, consultant, speaker, etc] – (you’ve been in business for a few years, you are making some money but your heart tells you there’s more for you and you’re done making excuses and ready to get access to exactly what it will take to achieve the results you crave through infusing PROVEN strategy consistently in your business)
- You’re brilliant (and you know it) but it’s not translating into more money in your bank accounts and freeing you up to enjoy the entrepreneurial lifestyle
- You made a bold declaration that 2016 would be the last year EVER that you worked way too hard for way too little doing what you love
- You know that you’ve gone as far as you can go without the right mentorship and now you’re ready to invest in yourself to get a return on that investment that covers every area of your life
- You have a big vision and are willing and able to do what it will take to achieve your vision
- You’ve been wanting to get in my space and you just can’t pass up an opportunity to sit and learn from me at the low investment we created this amazing training at (and to be clear, we aren’t skimping on the content even though this is our lowest investment EVER offered)
- You are committed to personal growth and coachable
- You’re not looking for a magic pill, you are ready to do the work to enjoy your best life through your business building journey
- You're a newbie in business that wants to avoid the mistakes of starting a business that takes too long to become profitable
"200% growth 2 years in a row working with Darnyelle, AND my first ever $100,000 month!"
It’s been an amazing experience working with Darnyelle! In my first year I grew from $100,000 to $250,000, and in this second year, I’ve grown my business to ½ a million with her guidance and support! I even had my first-ever $100,000 month by working with Darnyelle. And, my business is profitable! You can’t tell me that she isn’t brilliant. She knows and teaches real business. As an attorney, her strategies are just as powerful for me as they are for her other clients and I’m loving every minute of what we’ve built together.
Why should you hire Darnyelle? That’s easy… when people come into her space, they make more money PLUS increase their confidence, commitment and community. She is Incredible and I am so grateful that I made the investment.
Nancy Greene
The Grow Your Business Tour is a sneak peek into Incredible Factor University (a business school for uncompromising advancing entrepreneurs)
We believe that building a business that serves you is your birthright. We also believe that in order to experience it, you need access to a strategic blend of coaching, consulting and mentorship, period.
Perhaps, you’re feeling a bit boxed in because nothing you are trying is working and you feel like you’re running out of time, money and energy?

Join me on the tour so that you...

By the end of the event, you’ll have learned some great new strategies that you can take away and immediately implement in your business and you’ll have everything you need to decide if IFU is the right support system for your personal and business growth goals. You will also walk away with clarity about how to achieve what’s next and best for you.
Here are a few more things to keep in mind:
In ONE ½ day with me, the strategies you’ll learn WILL take your business to the height you’ve set goals for this year. And to make sure that anyone who is ready to learn my proven strategies CAN, we’ve made the tuition for this event a “no-brainer.”
This event is worth rearranging your schedule to attend because what you’re going to learn has been proven by our clients and students. Remember, branding is how you get known, marketing is how you get found, sales are how you get paid, but operations, that’s how you build a profitable business!
Click the button below to get registered. The details will be provided upon registration. *All sales are final; no refunds will be issued*
Will you drop the excuses and make learning how to grow your business period in 2017 a priority?
During my LIVE high-value, high content training, you will begin to SHIFT the way you think; which will allow you to CHANGE the way you grow your business. Right in the room, you will gain CONFIDENCE…BOLD, LIFE CHANGING CONFIDENCE. As I always say, “Confidence is the new currency. Confidence creates cash.” The best part is that you will learn directly from me. I am known for my ROCK Star Confidence and No-Nonsense approach to building a profit-filled business….I’m going to share with you the step by step process you need to follow to be bold and build your brand so that you truly benefit from your Incredible Factor…financially and spiritually…..And you will learn from my first hand experience and success!

We have limited space at each of our tour stops so clear your calendar and join me...your Incredible Factor will be so glad that you did. We’re only visiting the cities listed above, so if you know you need this right now, don’t hesitate! (After you register, details will be provided….)
Purposely, I have kept the tuition to this event, incredibly low, just $49 and it includes all of my amazing content and presentation, networking and refreshments. I wanted to make this a no-brainer for you!
I cannot wait to give you a great big hug! Isn’t it about time that you Served Your Purpose, Fueled Your Passion and Grew Your Business Period?!
Let’s make 2017 that year for you and your business together.
Be Incredible,

P.S. Reminder: be sure to bring your notebook and a pen. I have so much immediately actionable content that I am going to be sharing and I don’t want you to miss a thing!
P.P.S. Tell your friends on Facebook and other social media that you’re coming to meet me in a city near you!
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire to implement and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.