

No.  You're not crazy.  The marketplace has changed. If you want to shift your business as early as this summer to remain relevant and profitable....

Join me for a weekly series of masterclasses designed to maximize your summer as you prepare, position and plan for your first or next million-dollar year regardless of what is happening in the economy... 

July 16 - The Principles of Leverage & Scale in Today's Market 

July 23 - Leverage Speaking to Generate High-Caliber Leads & Sales 

July 30 - Profiting From Live & Virtual Events

August 6 - VIP Only Ask Me Anything & Business Makeovers 


Imagine three powerful masterclasses all designed to bring your 7-figure business into view as early as this summer, without having to be concerned about what the media and economists are saying.

In May, I held my annual live event and in just 1.5 days, I entered another 7-figure summer in my business. That's right, I generated a million in REVENUE in just a day and a half.

I did this in what some are calling a down market when buyers are more discerning and sales cycles are longer.

This isn't new for me; since 2014, I have successfully generated 7 figures in a year, a quarter, a month, and a weekend and I've even had a few million-dollar days!

Let's face it:  The market HAS changed.  To stay relevant on the Move to Millions
® , you'll need tried and true strategies, tactics and insights which is why I'm inviting you to join me for The 7 Figure Summer, my brand new series, to equip you to prepare, position, and plan for your first or next 7 figures without getting caught in the millions messy middle regardless of what is happening in the economy.  

Starting July 16, I am going to be teaching the three areas that have led to my own 7-figure summers and you're invited to the BTS Breakdown of EXACTLY how it happens in my company year after year.   

You're already successful; no one is questioning that.  

And, as successful as you are, you haven't realized the dream that speaks immediately to your birthright yet either. That's right, you haven't crossed the million-dollar mark in your business. 

Listen, I am not throwing shade or trying to make you feel bad, it happened to me too.  For three years I set the goal to cross the million-dollar mark and for three years, it eluded me.

 If you are anything like I was, although you want it real bad you aren't REALLY ready.  Before you make the MOVE, you must make the PLAN. The plan is designed to identify your gaps and turn them into gateways so that once you start your move you cross the million-dollar mark. 

 Getting your company to the million dollar mark is ONLY the beginning, you have to be positioned to sustain it.  That is going to take strategic vision, success mindset and lots of planning. 

Join me so that you can experience your biggest shift yet - during my FREE masterclass, I will show you how to shift from being caught between your million dollar business goal and the reality of your business right now. 

We will talk about what SHIFTS you must make NOW.  The marketplace is changing, and what it will take to make millions is also changing. This training will breakdown why you're the bottleneck in your business AND why you're experiencing less sales and revenue than you need to hit $100,000 cash months. 

With the right plan, your business can cross the million-dollar mark.

Sadly, most small business owners hustle and grind instead of positioning themselves as strategic CEOs. As a result, they cost their companies the ability to scale sustainably while building a business that serves and supports who they are in every way.

If you want to step into the role of being a real CEO to a consistently growing million-dollar+ company, you'll need to plan for millions. 

It's time to simplify to multiply. 

In this powerful masterclass, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, an award-winning business optimization consultant AND Inc. 5000 CEO, will share the 5 simple steps that are mandatory for scaling a million dollar (or more) business this year while navigating the millions messy middle without sacrificing anything you value and hold dear.


On July 16, you'll learn the principles of leverage and scale and how to craft your plan to grow your business sustainably in this current market (scaling is about multiplying, duplicating and replicating once you have successfully introduced leverage into your business - and because the market has changed, so must your core strategies.)

On July 23, I will share how I have used speaking as my #1 lead generator and sales tool and show you how to leverage speaking to generate millions each year both online and off so that every time you open your mouth, you fill your business bank account. 

On July 30, I will share the BTS of my latest million-dollar live event and how you can leverage the same strategies in your business through live and virtual events that generate more in 3 days or less than most make in a year. 
The #1 strategy to leverage when developing your million-dollar plan so that your results are transferable, sustainable and scalable in your business.

The 7 phases of scaling your business and how to account for each phase in your leverage & scale plan.

The 7 pillars of a 7-figure company and why you need to master EACH for sustainable success and profitability.

How to focus on your profitability as much as you tighten your processes so that you can enjoy more of the money you're making without more output.

LET'S BE CLEAR: Millions don't just happen.

It's takes preparation, positioning and planning through the lens of leverage & scale.

Since 2021, we've helped 45 entrepreneurs become 1st time million dollar CEOs AND 25 achieve their next million. And let's not forget the THOUSANDS we've helped grow to multi-six figures. 

Got next?


Your Move to Millions Requires Leverage & Scale.   





Creating a business that serves you financially and spiritually that doesn't require you to compromise your faith, family, freedom, finances or fun is totally possible. 

Even though the market has recalibrated you can still achieve your 7-figure dream without burning your business down while you navigate the millions messy middle.  

It will take a strategic infusion of operational leverage and scale to do so.  Understanding this principle is a key to your 7-figure business unfolding as early as this summer.  

When you understand the keys to leverage & scale, it's a game changer.  You'll work smarter, not harder and you'll grow your business massively in the process, regardless of what is happening in the economy. The way you think, make decisions and move will SHIFT and so will the core areas of your business.   I'm talking about the mindset, methodology, metrics and money making moves that accelerate your millions. And, it's not just about the money - it's about the operational infrastructure that will be stable enough to scale and sustain upon. 

Leverage leads to KNOWING how to employ the right strategy and systems so that you hit the million-dollar mark without being overwhelmed, money hungry or afraid of the success you crave. Leverage gives you access to MORE without more EFFORT. 

This isn't about hustling and grinding your way to generating millions. This is also not about top-line revenue exclusively, this is about making millions AND positioning your systems and strategies to net millions. This is about leveraging and scaling your business in a way that honors who you are, AND builds a business that you can create generational wealth with. 

I'm growing as a CEO thanks to the Move to Millions Mastermind!

As a result of enrolling in the Move to Millions® Mastermind the gaps in my business are closing. Before working with Darnyelle, I now realize that I was operating my business more like a freelancer than a CEO. As a result of the 1:1 support, the invaluable content and coaching, I learned how to hire for my values, build key systems and find the business model that works for me. I now take my business more seriously and I think like a CEO and that is huge for me. The six-figure quarters don’t hurt either! I love that this community allows me to grow in more ways than financially. If you’re looking for a community that see you and shows you that you matter on this journey to becoming a real CEO this community is for you!

Dr. Omolara Thomas-Uwemedimo

CEO, Melanin & Medicine

Six-figure months are normal in my million-dollar business!

Working with Darnyelle has been a game changer for me! Strategy–tight. Sales–tight. Systems–tight. Support team–tight. In the last year, I’ve crossed a major threshold and now I’m a million-dollar CEO! Darnyelle is the GOAT, and I’m telling you: your life will NEVER be the same if you get into her space!

Attiyah Blair

Real Estate Investor & peak performance speaker

Grew my business by more than 200% in the last year!

Before IFU I was trying to figure out how to make my business more sustainable so I could stop floundering. By hiring Darnyelle, I’ve tightened my systems, strengthened my team and I am stepping out of my comfort zone and marketing more effectively. In the last year as an IFU client, my company’s growth has been over 200%! As a member of the healthcare industry, the steps it takes to build a business can be daunting and confusing. Darnyelle makes it easier to understand and execute and I have the multiple six-figure growth to prove it. I can confidently say that I have a business that is growing and I am an employer who is committed to continuing to grow.

Jasmine Vializ

CEO Integrated Practice Solutions

Working with Darnyelle & team has been instrumental in my million dollar company!

Before working with Darnyelle, I already had a business that I was proud of. I knew that more was available for me to get to my next level. Darnyelle is the GOAT! She’s helped me grow my business, hold profitable events and step into the role of CEO for my company. In working with her, I’ve more than quadrupled my revenue and over two years, her coaching and insights have assisted me in making more than a million dollars in sales and revenue. I’m forever grateful for Darnyelle in my life and business.

Jasmine Womack

Storytelling Coach & Speaker

I've made the Move to Millions in this powerful community!

Before working with Darnyelle and the Haus of Millions coaching team I was doing well in my business. Within this community, now I am doing amazing things. I love it here. The community, the coaching and the support is top-notched. In my first year in the Mastermind, I made the move to millions and this community is the reason. In my second, I have sustained my 7-figure company. The content, coaching and guidance is unparalleled.

Crystal Perkins

Purpose & Manifestation Coach

Crossing the million-dollar mark would not have been possible without Darnyelle and Team!

Before working with Darnyelle I had a solid multiple six-figure business and I knew that millions were on the horizon for me. Crossing the million dollar mark wouldn’t have been possible without Darnyelle and the HOM Coaching Team. From the moment I’ve stepped into this powerful community, I’ve been up leveled in so many ways. With the teams help we experienced a $300,000 launch right away and went on to host my first event and generate $620,000 in three days in my first year! In my second, I enjoyed another 7-figure year in 9 months! I’ve hired full-time employees and am consistently stepping up my CEO leadership game. Their input has been both invaluable and immeasurable. The coaching, community and safe space Darnyelle creates is unmatched. I’m so grateful.

DR. Erica Jordan Thomas

CEO, EJT Consulting group

Enjoy a 7-Figure Summer with help from THE expert.

Hi, I'm Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the nation’s top business mentor for high achieving six-figure coaches, consultants and professional service providers that want to leverage and scale companies that make, move and leave millions while also becoming better spouses, parents, leaders and community servants.  Our clients know they don't have to choose - they can love God and make millions. 

Darnyelle was born to drug addicted parents in the projects of Wilmington Delaware with big dreams of one day having more money than she could give, spend, invest and save.  She has personally trained and mentored thousands of entrepreneurs around the world. 

Throughout her career, which includes 12 years in corporate America, top pink Cadillac sales director status in Mary Kay Cosmetics and running a Women’s Business Center all before starting Incredible One Enterprises, Darnyelle has personally been an iconic business leader for more than two decades.  Her Incredible Factor® Foundation helps the children of incarcerated parents consider entrepreneurship as an alternative to following in their parent’s footsteps.  

This free training powerfully exposes exactly how Darnyelle was able to start, grow and scale her coaching and consulting company so quickly through leveraging the very strategies that she teaches today and how you can do the same starting RIGHT NOW! 

Darnyelle is the founder and CEO of Incredible One Enterprises® and Incredible Factor University® where clients come to her and pay $10,000 - $100,000 to learn the exact marketing, sales and scale strategies from her. 

And now the same exact methods are available to you in this powerful masterclass!  Register NOW before this opportunity is taken offline in the next few days. 

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Copyright © Incredible One Enterprises. All Right Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The success stated above is my personal success. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 20 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training. 

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Incredible One Enterprises General Refund and Return Policy: All sales are final on coaching & consulting services, digital product purchases and live events. There are no refunds and you are responsible for making all payments in your agreement of purchase whether you complete the program or not. By placing your order, you are indicating your agreement to the terms of this offer and to our billing policies on https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com/billing-policies/

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Join us for 7-Figure Summer

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