What would happen if your business experienced profit?
Not in 7 years, 5 years, or even 3 years, I’m talking about in 2015!
Who says you have to wait 18 months to experience profit in your business?! Not me!
Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA and I am the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises and we specialize in Business Optimization. We help our clients maximize messaging, marketing, sales and operations so that they experience higher profits than ever before in their business and now I’m coming to a city near you to help you position your business from your most profitable year yet!
In the last 12 months, I’ve grown my business to 7 figures AND hired 5 FT employees all while experiencing double digit profit (75%) and helped my solopreneur and micro-business clients to earn a combined $3,000,000. In this ½ day training, I am going to share with you how I positioned my business (and the businesses of my clients) for profit. And I did it without compromising my message OR reducing my rates (in fact I raised them by more than double). And I'd like to share with you how I did it during my introductory low cost training.
If you want to experience a FRACTION of my (or my clients success) you should join me for the Positioned to Profit Tour.
Yes! I want to position my business to profit!

Registration and Networking
(30 minutes)
High-Content Workshop, Business Makeovers and Open Q&A
(2.5 hours)
Post-Event Networking & Reception
(1 hour)
Investment: $49
(includes all of the above – I know, right?!)
*Exact Location and formal details will be provided via email after you secure your seat.

Dear Soon-to-be-Profitable Business Owner,
I truly believe that who you are is priceless but what you do is not. But I’m afraid if you don’t learn how to price for profitability you’ll become a part of the unfortunate 10-12% of businesses that go under every year. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 89.19% of all solopreneur businesses (22 million) make less than $100,000 a year.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can experience profit and cross the six figure (or seven figure) mark in your business THIS YEAR.
Yup, this year.

This ½ day training is for you if:
- You’re brilliant (and you know it) but it’s not translating into more money in your bank accounts and freeing you up to enjoy the entrepreneurial lifestyle
- You’re being forced to be the CEO (Chief Everything Officer) of your “company” because you can’t afford to hire a team to support you and allow you to spend as much time in your genius zone as possible
- You made a bold declaration that 2014 would be the last year EVER that you worked way too hard for way too little doing what you love
- You know you’re close to laying the "golden egg", you just need some small but well positioned tweaks and you know that the longer you go without guidance from a proven mentor to longer you wait to experience the profit you’ve been dreaming of
- You’ve been struggling with creating a marketing message that is clear and profit producing
- You’ve been wanting to get in my space and you just can’t pass up an opportunity to sit and learn from me at the low investment we created this amazing training at (and to be clear, we aren’t skimping on the content even though this is our lowest investment EVER offered)
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Why crafting a compelling SPICE message immediately appeals to your up-leveled ideal client who is ready, willing and able to invest in your services.
- My pricing and profitability formula so that you have more money left over after getting a new client and performing the service in excellence to invest in your business or just take a much needed vacation.
- How to purposefully market your products and services so that you attract your most ideal clients each and every time.
- The mindset of a profitable business owner. The thing is unless you shift your mindset and truly understand the importance and mechanics of profit, you won’t be able to build your business this way and you’ll continue meandering in just enough instead of positioning your business to get ahead.
- How to bridge the gap from paid to profitable. There’s a lot of money left on the table between paying clients and pricing for profitability. Darnyelle will share strategies to quickly bridge the gap.
Here’s what I know for sure: It’s seldom about what you’re selling BUT it’s always about how you package and position it. And this one transferable skill, that I will teach you during our time together, will serve you and your business for years and years to come.
Yes! I want to position my business to profit!

I know there are a lot of people out there talking about profit, but do they have results like this?
"One year later, nothing about my business is the same - And, I love it!"
I knew that when I crossed the six-figure mark two months into hiring Darnyelle, that this year was going to be massive for me and my company. But I had NO idea that it would shift me in every way - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. I'm more confident, consistent and courageous in every aspect of my business. Before I hired Darnyelle, my business had generated $50,000 and I was grateful. In the 12 months Darnyelle has been my coach, my revenues have skyrocketed to over $300,000. I am not the same woman. I've grown in EVERY way. I'm a better wife, mother, First Lady and business woman and I am so grateful to Darnyelle for sharing selflessly with her clients and helping me to achieve a life long goal. As we move into year two working together, I believe my million dollar business will manifest! If you have tried the rest, you really need to invest in Darnyelle. She is the best!
Tish Times
HireTimes Training & Coaching Group
"A 473% Return on Investment Working with Darnyelle for 6 months!"
In working with Darnyelle, we have experienced so much personal growth that is spilling over into our business growth. Prior to hiring Darnyelle, our monthly revenues were not commensurate with the value and expertise we add to the marketplace. Since hiring Darnyelle, we've noticed a steady monthly climb in revenues and in our actions and decisions as business owners. In the last 6 months, we have earned more than all of 2013! We are more confident in our value and are focused on growing our company. Before Darnyelle we would have never considered charging 5 figures for our services. Now, not only are we charging it, we are earning it! In fact, we've seen a 473% return on our investment and we are just getting started. With Darnyelle's help we have already grown so much and know that the best is yet to come. If you're tired of not seeing your expertise build a revenue generating business, hire Darnyelle. It really is Incredible what she can help you accomplish. It's been so great, we hired her again!
Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Andersen
Productive Environment Institute
"One year later, I have a six-figure business thanks to Darnyelle!"
Before working with Darnyelle, I was making $275 a month in my business and I was allowing life to keep me distracted from learning how to make my business work. Since hiring Darnyelle, I've gained clarity and insight around marketing, pricing, hiring and operations and that has allowed me to experience an amazing shift in my business.
After just 12 months of working with Darnyelle, I am now earning $10,000 to $12,000 a month in revenue for my business and I am now a 6-figure business owner! If you're wondering whom you should hire to grow your business, it's Darnyelle. Hands down. I had joined another program prior to hiring Darnyelle and I was still as confused as ever in my business. She cares about her clients, holds them accountable to their greatness and offers breakthrough strategies to make their lives and businesses Incredible Ones. She's been a true blessing in my life and I am so grateful to have her.
Serita Diana
List 2 Close Assistant
"600% growth and I'm only half way through my first year with Darnyelle!"
Before hiring Darnyelle, I had struggled with getting ideal clients at higher rates. But in the short time I have been working with Darnyelle, I have learned how to position my value and attract ideal paying clients. In fact, in my first month working with Darnyelle I achieved a five figure month! I should mention that this was my first time EVER accomplishing this goal.
Because of Darnyelle's guidance, I almost doubled my best month ever two months later! In fact, three months into my one-year coaching program with Darnyelle and I have already 3X'd my investment. Darnyelle is the truth. I've worked with others but I've never experienced revenues like this and in such a short time.
If you're ready to experience a profit-filled business, hire Darnyelle. After all, when people come into her space they make more money. I sure did and the best is yet to come!
Shontaye Hawkins
Profit is the New Black
In fact, in the last 12 months, my solo-preneur clients have
earned in excess of $3,000,000!
Yes! I want to position my business to profit!

Perhaps, you’re feeling a bit boxed in because nothing you are trying is working and you feel like you’re running out of time, money and energy?

Yes? Then get excited because I am extending an invitation for you to join me to learn how my coveted Positioned to Profit Blueprint (which I have only shared with my private clients until now).
And yes, you read that right - I will be sharing my PROVEN secrets in this high-value, high content training event!
While we are together, I am going to share the exact process for positioning your business for profit so that you will be able to create a business and lifestyle you can get used to. Gone are the days of “from client to client” living. You’ll learn key strategies to finally gain access to what most what tell you to experience financial and spiritual abundance.
Once of the biggest challenges most entrepreneurs and small business owners have is getting clear on what to charge. And, trust me, I get it. I mean, you’re likely asking yourself “How can I price my brilliance? My God-given gifts and talents?” Not being clear on what to charge is like charging a penny for an hour of your time. It’s gets you no where near your goals and leaves you tired, frustrated and looking for a job…
At this event, there will be an opportunity to network with like-minded entrepreneurs while you learn how to LEAP your business forward as you Position Your Business for Profit THIS year.
You will also be invited to apply to receive a business marketing makeover with me live at the event
(details and application provided upon registration).

I also feel the need to tell you that seating is limited for each tour stop so you should not delay in getting your seat secured. On purpose, I made the investment for this event nominal. I truly want to be of service and want to make sure that anyone who wants to attend, can….NO EXCUSES.
Here are a few more things to keep in mind:
In ONE evening with me, the strategies you’ll learn WILL take your business to the height you’ve set goals for this year. And to make sure that anyone who is ready to learn my proven strategies CAN, we’ve made the tuition for this event a “no-brainer.”
This event is worth rearranging your schedule to attend because what you’re going to learn has been proven by our clients and students. Remember, branding is how you get known, marketing is how you get found, sales are how you get paid but operations, that’s how you build a profitable business!
Click the button below and then select your city to register. The location details will be provided upon registration.
Will you drop the excuses and make learning how to Position Your Business a priority for 2015?
Yes! I want to position my business to profit!

Registration and Networking
(30 minutes)
High-Content Workshop, Business Makeovers and Open Q&A
(2.5 hours)
Post-Event Networking & Reception
(1 hour)
Investment: $49
(includes all of the above – I know, right?!)
*Exact Location and formal details will be provided via email after you secure your seat.
When you join me during my Positioned to Profit Tour, I will help you to stop spending time boxed into activities that don’t serve your purpose, fuel your passion and position you to profit. I will share my coveted Magnetic Marketing Success Formula with you and this will POSITION your business for more clients, connection and cash in record time.
During my LIVE high-value, high content training, you will begin to SHIFT the way you think; which will allow you to CHANGE the way you grow your business. Right in the room, you will gain CONFIDENCE…BOLD, LIFE CHANGING CONFIDENCE. As I always say, “Confidence is the new currency. Confidence creates cash.” The best part is that you will learn directly from me. I am known for my ROCK Star Confidence and No-Nonsense approach to building a profit-filled business….I’m going to share with you the step by step process you need to follow to be bold and build your brand so that you truly benefit from your Incredible Factor…financially and spiritually…..And you will learn from my first hand experience and success!

And, if you act NOW, you can also apply to join me in the “hot seat” for a complete Business Makeover Session. I will be doing a few of these during the LIVE event. This is my free gift to those of you who take action NOW and register to join me. And, even if you’re not chosen, you will learn from watching the other breakthroughs that occur in the room.
We have limited space at each of our tour stops so clear your calendar and join me...your Incredible Factor will be so glad that you did. We’re only visiting the cities listed above, so if you know you need this right now, don’t hesitate! (After you register, event location and details will be provided….)
Purposely, I have kept the tuition to this event, incredibly low, just $49 and it includes all of my amazing content and presentation, networking and refreshments. I wanted to make this a no-brainer for you!
I cannot wait to give you a great big hug! Isn’t it about time that you Served Your Purpose, Fueled Your Passion and Positioned Yourself to Profit?! In the words of my theme song, “If you want something that you’ve never had you gotta do something that you never done. Go Get it!”
Yes! I want to position my business to profit!

Be Incredible,

P.S. Reminder: be sure to bring your notebook and a pen. I have so much immediately actionable content that I am going to be sharing and I don’t want you to miss a thing!
P.P.S. Tell your friends on Facebook and other social media that you’re coming to meet me in a city near you!
P.P.P.S. We’re thinking about adding another tour stop. We’re contemplating where to go, what do you think? If you think we should bring the Positioned to Profit Tour to your city, email [email protected] so that we can discuss the possibilities with you!
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire to implement and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.